domenica 29 aprile 2007

Since it is impossible for you having in English the same competence you have in Italian, you must keep in mind that:
Ø You are like a new baby Babies learn their language slowly. First they learn to listen.Then they learn to talk. In the end, they can read and write.To do all that correctly they must learn grammar.
Ø Listen to English every day…
Listen to the CDs of your English courseListen to English radios.Watch English movies on TV.
Ø Make an English/ESL friend Make up conversations with you school friends.Use beginner textbooks. Practise dialogues with foreign tourists.
Ø Read English storiesStart with children's storybooks.Try ESL readers.Read advertisements, signs and labels.
Ø Write down new wordsStart a vocabulary (new word) notebook.Write words in alphabetical order (A...B...C...).Make example sentences.Always use an English-English dictionary first.
Ø Keep an English diary Start with one sentence. How do you feel? How is the weather?What did you do today? Tomorrow write another sentence.
Ø Visit an English speaking countryLearn English more quickly. Hear native speakers talk. Stay with an English family.

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