domenica 5 aprile 2009


Nowadays women are bombarded by mass-media messages. Photographs in magazines and TV images present them as successful smartly dressed people, with a luminous make-up and a perfect hair-style, but, most of all, thin as a toothpick and in good form.

Above all teenage girls, try to imitate them wiping out their personality in their new idols’ favour.

In the attempt to obtain their good form and their wonderful figure they follow the most rigorous rules in order to get slimmer. As doctors and psychologists say  all this is due to social pressures and the ongoing slimming of models and actresses over the last years. The danger is women follow the strangest diets forgetting that their body needs certain kinds of food to maintain its functions. Pasta provides carbohydrates that muscles need to work,  vegetables and fruit give us vitamins and minerals for our skin, meat and fish provides proteins, milk supplies calcium, vitamins proteins to build our bones and teeth, , iron and vitamins for our muscles, for example.

Women are manipulated by fashion designers too. They impose how women should make themselves up and what they should be wearing. In this way they make women feel insecure, unable to choose by themselves. They have to buy more and more until they are fully trapped. They do not realize that a style is not a valid fashion for them, if it does not work for the way they live.

So they arrive at a point where they hide their personality to turn just into the image offered them by others.

However being modern has nothing to do with age or beauty. It has to do with a way of life. A modem woman, on the contrary, contributes to her society instead of taking from it and absorbing what it offers uncritically. Real charm effuses warmth, is something inner and is not so much what one does as what one does not do. It has not much to do with perfection.

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