mercoledì 8 maggio 2013


In the UK, the first weekend in May is a 'bank holiday weekend', which means that the Monday is a holiday. Most Brits will spend this time relaxing with their families, or doing a spot of DIY.
May 1st is celebrated by the labor movement, with marches for workers' rights and anti-capitalist protests traditionally being held on this day.
A hundred years ago, May Day traditions were rather different. Each village had a 'May pole' which villagers danced around. This signified the end of the winter and celebrated the beginning of summer. Morris Dancing -with its bells and hankerchiefs - was also popular in the month of May, but nowadays it is mocked and you will have to travel out into the country and villages to see it today.
On May the 25th the final of the Champions League will be held at Wembley Stadium in London .

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